Wydma & Las is a new flat development in Jastarnia. It is a project being developed by the Tri-City company Euro Styl (Dom Development group). Its location is truly holiday’ish – the facility is located a few hundred metres behind the dense resort buildings, by the main road running through the Hel Peninsula, but also right next to a forest. In addition to the buildings, the complex also includes infrastructure such as a football and beach volleyball pitch and a forest playground.

In preparation for the signage project for the site, we decided on simple information carriers that would blend in with the landscape, greenery and architecture. They mostly consist of two contrasting materials: architectural concrete and metal elements powder-coated in a deep green colour. The graphic part is based on a distinctive typography – ABC Favorit Lining (by Dinamo Typefaces), a font whose characteristic feature is a specially designed ‘underline’. For the use alongside the typography, we have also prepared a set of proprietary pictograms and, to tie them more closely together, they too feature a distinctive underline. The messages presented on the information media are friendly and casual – we wanted to emphasise the holiday atmosphere of the space.


Wydma & Las 是 Jastarnia 的一个新公寓开发项目。 该项目由 Tri-City 公司 Euro Styl(Dom 开发集团)开发。 它的位置非常适合度假 – 该项目位于密集的度假村后面几百米处,毗邻穿过赫尔半岛的主干道,而且紧邻森林。 除了建筑物外,该综合体还包括足球场、沙滩排球场以及森林游乐场等基础设施。

在准备该场地的标牌项目时,我们决定使用简单的信息载体,以与景观、绿化和建筑融为一体。 它们主要由两种对比材料组成:建筑混凝土和深绿色粉末涂层的金属元件。 图形部分基于独特的排版 – ABC Favorit Lining(由 Dinamo Typefaces 设计),这种字体的特征是专门设计的“下划线”。 为了与排版一起使用,我们还准备了一套专有的象形图,为了将它们更紧密地联系在一起,它们也具有独特的下划线。 信息媒体上呈现的信息友好而随意——我们想强调空间的节日氛围。



Blank Studio
Design team: Bartłomiej Witański, Aleksandra Krupa
Martyna Berger, Oliwia Otręba, Dobrosława Rafalska

Implementation: 2023
Photo documentation credits: Andrzej Łopata


